Author name: Bill

Roach Pest Control – Guaranteed Roach Control in NE NC

German Cockroaches German Cockroaches, scientifically known as Blattella germanica, are among the most common cockroach species found in homes, businesses, and apartment buildings. Recognized by their small size, light brown color, and distinctive parallel stripes on the pronotum, these agile pests thrive in warm environments, making kitchen cabinets and food sources their preferred hiding places. …

Roach Pest Control – Guaranteed Roach Control in NE NC Read More »

Pest Control Plymouth, NC

Termites As a leading termite control company, we start with a thorough termite inspection, followed by expert treatment for extended termite protection. Rodents Our specialized rodent control tackles issues with roof rats, Norway rats, and other pesky invaders, ensuring your home is safe and protected. Roaches Squash your roach problem with our strategic roach traps, targeted sprays, and expert know-how, keeping your home …

Pest Control Plymouth, NC Read More »

Pest Control Greenville, NC

Termites As a leading termite control company, Sentry Exterminating takes proactive steps to shield your home and provide lasting termite protection. Rodents Sentry Exterminating provides specialized rodent control services designed to provide a comprehensive solutions to any rodent problem. Roaches Sentry Exterminating delivers targeted roach control, employing effective treatments to eliminate even the most severe roach problem.

Pest Control Williamston, NC

Termites As an expert termite control company, Sentry Exterminating specializes in providing termite protection for homes of all sizes in Williamston, NC. Roaches Outsmart your roach problem with Sentry Exterminating’s strategic treatments, targeted sprays, and expert knowledge. Rodents Sentry Exterminating is an industry leader in expert rodent control, sealing entry points, setting traps, and evicting unwanted rodents.

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